Organise in a sentence as a verb

People are a lot smarter and a lot more organised than you understand.

"Men tend to organise the way they **** - one big rush and then that "wham, slam, thank you maam", as it were.

They much preferred it when they used to get their email via POP. Oh, and guess how they organise their email?

It's far and away the best material I've ever seen on how to organise large code bases.

You probably know these guys organise into "groups" but there is lots of other stuff you likely do not know.

I found that no methodology works as well as getting the right people in and let them organise themselves.

At the moment I organise myself with Trello, one list per project, and at the top of each list I have a card that reminds me why I'm doing the project.

Having to only have one thing, stored specially, to clean out might well be easier to organise in a big already existing framework.

From what I've heard the Vietnamese media went crazy trying to contact him, organise meetings, put his family into the media spotlight.

Chiefly, it was the ability to spontaneously organise my socialisation with other kids more or less as I wanted.

Vietnam's still a communist state, don't forget - making this kind of money puts unwanted attention on him from state and from organised criminals in the area.

What they needed was management and organisational talents, to organise the volunteers and events, make orders etc

Ubiquitous communication methods certainly help organise civil dissent - but let's not forget that the French in 1789 managed it with pamphlets and soapboxes.

The citizens of Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya are categorically not less free because they used Facebook to organise their revolutions.

This supposedly free market anti-labourer rhetoric is absurd: If market participants organise as a company, they seem have every right to negotiate as a whole to get a better deal.

Like, are you going to be able to go to bed now or should you just make a brew?- a recording of and detailed description of sleep patterns during the night, so you've got an idea of how to organise your nights; like maybe you could work out when she's more likely to wake up at?- a history and some kind of comparison chart, because with babies it changes all the time, so you might be able to predict and adapt in advance.- an advance warning of when she's coming out of sleep.

Organise definitions


bring order and organization to; "Can you help me organize my files?"

See also: organize coordinate


create (as an entity); "social groups form everywhere"; "They formed a company"

See also: form organize


form or join a union; "The auto workers decided to unionize"

See also: unionize unionise organize


cause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea

See also: organize


arrange by systematic planning and united effort; "machinate a plot"; "organize a strike"; "devise a plan to take over the director's office"

See also: organize prepare devise machinate


plan and direct (a complex undertaking); "he masterminded the robbery"

See also: mastermind engineer direct organize orchestrate