Nerd in a sentence as a noun

But unfortunately, I'm an obnoxious nerd, so all I can think to do about this is yell.

A nerd in a club is going to take this brash advice like:"All the greatest seducers in history could not keep their hands off of women.

Writing code has pretty much no social cred until you're out of school, and pretty much automatically gets you tagged as a nerd.

The escalation from a typical nerd's "I've optimised my social life" post to absurdity had me in stitches.

She was the perfect mother for an introverted, achievement-oriented nerd trying to find his way in the world.

When a billionaire nerd that is "one of us" buys the VR company John Carmack is the CTO of and backs it with all the resources at his disposal I get excited.

It is the intersection between nerd exceptionalism and the myth of the heroic entrepreneur, both of which are virulent memes in our culture right now.

And then, as with 3D printers today, the nerdiest of the nerds all had to have one but they didn't know why, and the rest of the world felt that owning your own computer was a ridiculous idea.

EA is selling a completely broken product - and I mean that from the perspective of the average consumer, not the nerd who thinks all DRM is broken - and they're doing it for absolutely no reason.

This is David going against the wishes of every other maintainer of every other piece of software Rails works with, as well as other Rails maintainers, and then painting their comments as 'nerd rage' and 'organizational failures.

Why would they portray us in the movie as Dylan for Jobs and Beatles for me?It's sad that besides being underappreciated for engineering feats that are, even today, awe-inspiring, Woz is often thought of as the stereotypical nerd with no interests outside of tech.

"The question is this: is this doing well on HN because HN is full of progressive-minded feminists upvoting a neat DIY project on its merits, or is it doing well on HN because it serves as fodder for the nerd-girl fantasies of a primarily male readership?I really think this is an important point that often gets missed on male dominated social news sites.

Nerd definitions


an insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affected or boringly studious

See also: swot grind wonk dweeb


an intelligent but single-minded expert in a particular technical field or profession