Wonk in a sentence as a noun

This is a guest piece written by a think tank wonk.

I'm not a font wonk by any means, but I do enjoy design.

There's "famous", below that, maybe "wonk famous" and then there's "nerd famous".

The same statistics wonk has done a lot of work on "momentum" in games.

And it will still work, because no one but a couple policy wonk nerds actually care.

To a seasoned IT wonk, the only alternative to doing something "The Right Way" is not doing it at all.

However this is just the opinion of an armchair energy wonk, so take it with a big grain of salt.

In statistics-wonk terms, \n the distribution is "log-normal".

Uber’s legal and public policy teams are helping facilitate that change around the world, and we’re looking for a hustler-wonk to help us develop that will change the world.

I am not a programming language wonk; so I imagine most languages I am familiar-with/know-of are necessarily Algol patterned.

Modern social democracy is basically capitalist-fueled redistribution of wealth, and just about every economist and policy wonk who believes in 'capitalism' is referring to this kind of government.

Wonk definitions


an insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affected or boringly studious

See also: swot grind nerd dweeb