Dweeb in a sentence as a noun

In their head, they're thinking "gawd what a dweeb"

Better yet, just donate to the EFF like a uselessly trendy dweeb.

Sounds to me like a dweeb who secretly wants to go but no one will go with him because he is a dweeb.

This is the programmer/IDE-dweeb's version of "well yeah.. but does it run Linux?

[1] Remember the dweeb that built the radio and took down the goon with an explosion?

Upon reading of RWR and its delights, at least one part of me, the techno-dweeb, goes "weeeh!

It’s good for your resume and great for your bank account.> Moocho Campus CTO> Are you a tech-loving dork or dweeb?

The subconscious thought is something like: "That little dweeb got me in trouble.

It's a normal practice that I can reasonably demand of my partners without being a total priss/dweeb.

It's not really an issue, but I have had a number of people know me, know I'm a bit of a dweeb and clock it, normally with an eye-roll.

Raganwald is a blowhard whose pathetic attempts to score karma reveal him as an insecure dweeb who cant get over being kicked around in grammar school.

Whether you're homeless or a well-off tech dweeb, you shouldn't be allowed to poop on the street, run around screaming at people, obstruct traffic, openly deal ***** or stolen goods.

Anyone should consider anyone else using "hipster" as an offhand pejorative to be no greater than a classroom bully, no different than calling someone a dweeb in the 1980s.

I tend to groan when I hear anything from that now 14 year old movie, because it was ok at the time, but just ok and its a signal that you see yourself as part of a hacker/dweeb culture that I personally see as having lived past its due date.

Agreed, communication skills are important, trying to avoid communication with others about work-related topics, where they may need your input, is bound to get you labeled as "that guy" where people basically think you're a one-dimensional dweeb.

Dweeb definitions


an insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affected or boringly studious

See also: swot grind nerd wonk