Obnoxious in a sentence as an adjective

I got that prompt recently and I want to emphasize just how obnoxious it is.

But unfortunately, I'm an obnoxious nerd, so all I can think to do about this is yell.

Not only that, but you have had since the 90s this obnoxious habit of having "moving targets" for your APIs.

Website is totally obnoxious on a mobile device - no pinch zoom, no scrolling, must press little dots to "scroll".

This demand that people write tons and tons of code on our off hours is understandable but is getting, I dunno, obnoxious?

We all recognize the importance of fire safety, but there is no excuse for the design of smoke and CO detectors to be so painfully obnoxious.

Almost everything a Gaijin does, even if it is rather obnoxious, is not judged by Japanese, but accepted as: „Well..., different culture, different habits.

Yes, it is incredibly obnoxious when the press decides that their petty dramas ARE the news, but for the most part the staff of TechCrunch up to and including Arrington did a good job of keeping the conference 95% focused on startups.

Another had a better analogy: "It's like having a busload of grumpy senior citizens show up at your store, picking through stuff, complaining about the prices, going on about irrelevant things, and generally being ornery, obnoxious and trashing everything that you've done.

Obnoxious definitions


causing disapproval or protest; "a vulgar and objectionable person"

See also: objectionable