Motionless in a sentence as an adjective

No problemo its still "motionless" WRT the ground.

> In any given instant, the arrow has to appear motionless.

Ideally you would want to stay quiet and motionless but also awake and alert.

No, it would have been perfectly preserved, hanging motionless in a dry vacuum.

When enough line was extended behind the plane, the end of the line would actually hang motionless in the air.

I'm asking in regard to a the more specific, often motionless, act that Alex3917 seems to be describing.

Their torsos and upper bodies stay perfectly motionless while their legs flail about beneath them.

A picture of a human motionless except for one body part === uncanny valley.

It means knowing that you will, relatively soon, be rendered forever passive and motionless.

And those who dont, just stand still; motionless?Yes, you can go ahead and rant to me about how an object in motion stays in motion, and how an object at rest stays at rest.

I recently got a combination sit/stand desk and I feel that when I stand I tend to move more overall, however, so "motionless" might be less of a factor.

This physically represents a cloud of uncoupled particles, all but one of which would remain motionless if the force were applied only to the central particle.

I'm going to be spending too many hours on the plane anyway, why would I want to spend yet another hour sitting motionless on the tarmac when I could be out where there's power and wifi and restrooms?

Thermoneutral means zilch energy consumption at basal metabolic rate when motionless in a windless environment.

After the event, I felt a bit of a fraud and worried people might think I'd done it for dramatic effect, but it was totally involuntary - I just sat, motionless looking out the window for about 5 seconds.

Managed properly, there's no real physical difference between playing a video game for 20 hours a week and reading a novel, watching TV, commenting on HN, programming or any other fairly motionless activity.

The real benefit of this is that you get a cheap motionless panel that performs a lot better than the flat version, this is specially important in places like Africa where you need to be as efficient and cost effective as possible.

One can obviously choose a frame of reference in which the earth is motionless, but relativity denies any special significance to a particular frame of reference -- indeed, that's what relativity means.

Motionless definitions


not in physical motion; "the inertia of an object at rest"

See also: inactive static still