Cedilla in a sentence as a noun

I just want to point out that the title uses a letter which doesn't exist in any language: t with a cedilla.

In particular, it appears that I was wrong; a cedilla is not derived from an "s", but rather a "z".

I know almost no one who actually types the accented e, let alone the c with the cedilla.

Well, that thing on the bottom is called a cedilla, and in Unicode you can attach a cedilla to anything.

It was my understanding that the cedilla was originally a small "s" drawn under the "c", to show that it is to be pronounced like an "s".

The rule is to write Ç with cedilla even when capitalized, but from what I gather French keyboards make it inconvenient, so people often neglect it.

However, according to this article, Albanian pronounces "s" much the way English does, but the c-cedilla is like English "ch".

Cedilla definitions


a diacritical mark (,) placed below the letter c to indicate that it is pronounced as an s