Mooch in a sentence as a noun

A welfare mooch is much cheaper per year than a prisoner.

It never occured to me to mooch rides off of friends, because it wasn't necessary.

They often quit to mooch off of others or are late to work because of fights with their girlfriends or whatever.

I'm willing to bet his former "colleagues" in the gang come around to try to mooch or shake him down from time to time.

I also don't care if 99% of people mooch off this model as most people are just wasting time at work as it is anyway.

There will always be coffee shops and open access points and neighbors to mooch off of for the kids to get ahold of porn.

The point isn't how much you spend to be impress everyone, the point is to do something other than just show up and mooch.

Yes, hackers could compromise your gym's systems, steal your fingerprint data, and then use it to... mooch off your gym membership?

So if I buy a bottle of wine to have with dinner, and my wife and I drink it with dinner, I have destroyed wealth, and am a mooch.

Mooch in a sentence as a verb

I'm more inclined to think they're grousing about not being able to mooch the public's infrastructure investments for free.

I've never met a person who has ever thought he would like to mooch off welfare or what have you forever, or even a short amount of time.

If we exclude those who live with mommy and daddy or mooch off of other people...Well, then whether the debt is formal with a mortgage or not makes little difference.

It wasn't about contributing to science, about advancing research, being interested in the subject it was about trying to coast and mooch of the public university system.

I should send this comment to my parents and grandparents the next time they berate me about why I'm not planning on owning a home any time soon and would rather rent and/or mooch off them for as long as possible.

If people really were working to turn the city around, that might hold some weight, but there are a lot of people looking to mooch off of it on the way down, while the suburbanites migrate further and further from Detroit-proper.

People need to be given reverse integrations training or atleast provided some information - let them understand that these people aren't here to mooch of the system or steal jobs - they're here because to a large extent the country needs them.

Would that vindicate your view that nobody is poor and that nobody benefits from shared services and that people with less money and opportunity than you are all lazy idiots looking for a way to mooch off of your bootstrapped successes?

There was a discussion in the "Craigslist Crusher" thread a few days ago that basically pointed out that because Craigslist's main advantage over everyone else is its user base, and not its pretty site or awesome features, it would be foolish for them to offer an API, in which others could mooch off the user base.

Mooch definitions


someone who mooches or cadges (tries to get something free)

See also: moocher cadger scrounger


ask for and get free; be a parasite

See also: cadge grub sponge