Calcine in a sentence as a verb

Calcite calcines to quicklime at 850°, which is red-orange.

Mere campfires commonly reach yellow heat, which is over 1000°, and have often been used to cook shellfish, whose shells are made of calcite and can calcine to quicklime.

MgO is the usual magnesium source, and we always have to calcine the MgO before weighing, as it always takes on CO2 whilst sitting around in the jar. If you put some freshly calcined MgO on some weighing paper on a balance, you can sit there and watch the mass increase as it reacts with CO2 from the air. Alas, too much silica on earth for periclase rocks...

One of the major parts of an alumina refinery is what's called a calciner, which heats the produced alumina to drive off the chemically-bound water from the product.

Cut Ceres up into pea-sized gravel, and drop it onto Venus, then use a solar shade to cool off Venus enough that metal carbonates don't immediately calcine into metal oxides.

Calcine definitions


heat a substance so that it oxidizes or reduces