Cadge in a sentence as a verb

Not sure if he'll like it when he hits the age to have opinions about such things, but I'll probably cadge it at that point.

I imagine that someone who is inclined to cadge a $4 dessert does not have a lot of prestige to offer in return.

On the off chance we can cadge more of your time:It seems like in retrospect that tickets were a really smart idea that panned out nicely for your group.

For small conferences you can often cadge a venue with some sponsorship, or find a small one in a slack period running cheap.

Cadge definitions


ask for and get free; be a parasite

See also: mooch grub sponge


obtain or seek to obtain by cadging or wheedling; "he is always shnorring cigarettes from his friends"

See also: schnorr shnorr scrounge