Magnify in a sentence as a verb

If you magnify it so the end is rough, it's harder.

Terrorists use the media to magnify their actions and further spread fear.

The Internet should protect us from government overreach, not magnify the effect of it.

But unfortunately, OpenID can magnify the problem for some people.

If you provide good croissants, you'll get mentions on blogs and Twitter, which would magnify the word of mouth effect in a manner similar to Yelp.

This, when you demagnify it by 25,000 times, is still 80 angstroms in diameter – 32 atoms across, in an ordinary metal.

Once that information was out there on the internet, no single link was going to magnify or increase the magnitude of that disclosure.

Coding allows anyone to magnify their own productivity.

If you magnify it by 25,000 diameters, the area of the head of the pin is then equal to the area of all the pages of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica.

There are so many areas of the economy that could not reasonably be directly profitable on their own, but magnify the profit of the overall economy.

I own a Droid X and recently got the opportunity to use an iPhone 4 briefly, and I think I'll stick with Android, for a few reasons:- The web browser doesn't seem to zoom into and magnify text areas as well on iPhone.- No swype.

Spray painting Big Bad Wolf on every technologist's street corner as seems to be the purpose of recent doom and gloom media efforts is nothing more than an expression of the efforts to magnify the psychological angst that someone, somewhere, has more money than someone else.

Also Java's conventions and culture magnify its verbosity, it's popular libraries and extensions are over-engineered, and its package file format lacks versions and versioned dependencies, producing inevitable conflicts.

Alan Turing - who applied his genius to confer what can only be called immeasurable benefits on society and who used his skills to crack **** codes to help end a terrible war - is not ethically responsible for the many consequences inevitably brought into the world simply because computing power can be used to magnify the effects of human evil.

Magnify definitions


increase in size, volume or significance; "Her terror was magnified in her mind"

See also: amplify


to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth; "tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South' imagery"

See also: overstate exaggerate overdraw hyperbolize hyperbolise amplify


make large; "blow up an image"

See also: enlarge