Overdraw in a sentence as a verb

So there's overdraw, just not as much h nS

You can overdraw your account, there are processes to go back and solve conflicts.

You can get to an ATM in Australia and one in US at the same time and overdraw your account.

At least in the UK, I know that it's common to overdraw one's checking account as a form of short-term loan.

The OP is slightly overstating the impact of overdraw as a general thing.

It just prevents you seeing the frame while it's being drawn, in practice it's mostly useful for reducing flicker from overdraw.

If you overdraw from a checking account, you can settle up by making one larger-than-usual deposit.

If so: is that strictly necessary for the entire area of all of them?If they aren't using blending, why on earth do they have so much overdraw?

In Brazil it is standard practice for banks to attach a credit line to every checkings account, and if you overdraw it counts as a loan against that credit.

And just a few days ago people were discussing how that ATMs prefer to just give you money and overdraw an account rather than deny you cash when you go overdrawn.

My wife had an account she didn't use since college, and apparently she fell below a balance limit and they charged a $5 fee, which overdraw her and turned into a $35 overdraft charge.

Maybe it's a safe bet that for most Android apps, overdraw is the issue, because they're using Skia and thus don't have access to use custom shaders?On the other hand, that Hierarchy Viewer feature in the debug tools looks really great.

And this is where a seasoned developer is required to implement good design on Android: you'll want to write a custom ViewGroup to layout child views the way that you want, without nesting layouts and causing overdraw or slow rendering.

At various times, Google employees have gone into extensive descriptions of why the UI is so janky [3][4]* Many of the default Android elements were for quite a long time, very unoptimized - this included calls w/ lots of overdraw, or lack of node recycling for lists.

Overdraw definitions


draw more money from than is available; "She overdrew her account"


to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth; "tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South' imagery"

See also: overstate exaggerate hyperbolize hyperbolise magnify amplify