Luxury in a sentence as a noun

It's sort of like how luxury car engines are expected to "purr.

That might be why seeing half days off as a luxury item became your new normal.

Founders made out well enough from the deal to pick up high-end luxury sports cars though, which is the important part of an exit, right?

The artist has to deal with everyone being a critic, and doesn't have the luxury of dealing with things that either work or don't work, it's all subjective.

Most of the time new luxury cars don't have much innovation in them, but it's the fit and finish, attention to detail and integration which make them great.

That idealistic **** is a luxury of the extremely privileged, and you need to pretend it as a status signal, but don't believe your own lie.

The whole country is being sold to corporations by the government, for the construction of malls, luxury condominiums, freeways, dams and nuclear plants.

The lifestyles we consider just about tolerable are, by any historical or global standard, utter luxury.

It's getting harder to find good developers, not easier, and the notion that companies have the luxury of inflicting "audition projects" on candidates is counter to reality.

So even if you don't need math to do your programming work on a day to day basis, it's because a lot of very smart people have solved some very difficult math and language problems over the decades so that you have the luxury of ignoring the mathematics your code relies on.

Luxury definitions


something that is an indulgence rather than a necessity


the quality possessed by something that is excessively expensive

See also: lavishness sumptuosity sumptuousness


wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living

See also: luxuriousness opulence sumptuousness