Reparable in a sentence as an adjective

Sure, they had piles of discrete, reparable parts, but there is no way anyone would go back to that old tech.

You can probably get something ~10 years old that will look new enough but still be somewhat reparable and non-smart.

Companies have judged that they profit by selling products that are less reliable and less reparable, since that means they can make more sales.

"Not a screw in sight" refers to the fact that Dyson products are mostly plastic glued together so as to be completely non-reparable.

If the damage is reparable, such as a cracked frame, then the fee could be quite low and if it is not reparable the renter essentially buys the work.

An injunction can still be issued if it prevents additional damages which might not be reparable by the final judgement or settlement.

It should be right up HNs alley as it is a fully customizable and reparable platform unencumbered by patents.

You could do it from commodity parts and it would be trivially reparable by slapping in bits you cheaply order off Amazon/New Egg.

I think many people would take your wording as implying that you and/or Christians prefer there to be no system of justice, or perhaps only justice for reparable crimes.

Especially in an age where most people spend their money on items like phones and laptops, which are reparable and become obsolete very fast anyway.

So if you can't get even 1/1000 people willing to risk it all, it's tough to claim that our evils are not sufferable, or are not reparable within the systems available to us.

Problem is free trade & WHO itself, it is easier to go back to tariffs, by making things more expensive people will consume less, you can also increase quality & add requirements that a product must reparable.

Agreed - the only iPhone I've ever seen DOA-for-real was one immersed in dirty water for most of an afternoon, and I have a feeling that that was reparable if somebody really wanted.

The rift may not be reparable now, but I hope we don't end up with a huge divide in the community where all RH/Fedora people have to use podman and Ubuntu/Debian people use Docker, and each OS doesn't support the either.

>I think many people would take your wording as implying that you and/or Christians prefer there to be no system of justice, or perhaps only justice for reparable crimesBased on the other comments at this time that's exactly how they took it.

Reparable definitions


capable of being repaired or rectified; "reparable damage to the car"; "rectifiable wrongs"

See also: rectifiable