Lavishness in a sentence as a noun

Is the point of CEO pay to keep their family in the highest order of lavishness?

The complexity and lavishness most people look for to make them feel full often what makes them feel so empty.

And the company is known for its lavishness towards creature comforts to it's employees.

>There can't be many people in the world who will pay the 10k-20k price tag. How many people have the pull with their employers to justify it?our current 2 x 14C workstations are $10-12K - and we're just a lowly no-pull devs in a BigCo not known for any lavishness toward low level rank and file.

Not content with showing off their status to whoever had the poor fortune to be dining with them, and the waiter/waitress that served the group, they also relish in the opportunity of soaking randoms online in their lavishness post-factum.

Deciding to give up some lavishness and to stop working after acquiring some passive income and a reputation to fall back on seems like a pretty straightforward if healthy decision for somebody who can afford the luxury.

To me, luxury is "opulence, luxuriousness, sumptuousness, grandeur, magnificence, splendor, lavishness, the lap of luxury, a bed of roses", and I don't associate those with typical developers.

Lavishness definitions


the quality possessed by something that is excessively expensive

See also: luxury sumptuosity sumptuousness


excessive spending

See also: extravagance prodigality highlife