Filthy in a sentence as an adjective

When you are filthy rich, you can turn this talent into a license to print money.

I'm staying with some friends right now who, just this past week, rescued a Betta from filthy water in a long empty dorm room.

I waited inline behind 20 or so homeless people, and the facility was filthy.

Oh, and my work environment was filthy when I got there, I didn't have all sorts of access set up, and I had probably the noisiest spot on the floor.

They wore them constantly in the filthy steaming kitchens, creating a bewitching pattern of wear that was painstakingly replicated by Morrisons jeansmiths.

We need to liquidate it into money to get anywhere, and The People aren't too happy about the filthy capitalist stench of suddenly owning that much stock anyhow, so they immediately sell it all.

Have you ever actually engaged these people you refer to, to explore if they have this depth of knowledge you seem to require them to have to have an opinion?Are you equally scathing of the millions that vote to keep me from having rights because their preacher on Sunday that they blindly listen to, tell them I'm a filthy sinner?

> After evaluating our position in the games market, weve decided to shift LucasArts from an internal development to a licensing model, minimizing the companys risk while achieving a broader portfolio of quality Star Wars games...In other words: by closing the studio we can just collect checks from licensing our IPs which gets turned into bonuses for our executives while we don't have to pay any developers, artists, designers or other filthy wage slaves.

Filthy definitions


disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter; "as filthy as a pigsty"; "a foul pond"; "a nasty pigsty of a room"

See also: foul nasty


vile; despicable; "a dirty (or lousy) trick"; "a filthy traitor"

See also: dirty lousy


characterized by obscenity; "had a filthy mouth"; "foul language"; "smutty jokes"

See also: cruddy foul nasty smutty