Lackey in a sentence as a noun

Said lackey just got paid to eat a whole bunch of brown M&Ms.

All it takes is some government lackey with a piece of paper and VS will bend over backwards for them.

I assumed his advice was for the programmer lackey who wishes they had a more interesting job.

Just because we can't detect that change anyone who offers that service is a government lackey?I like Opera Mini, which is just like this.

As long as he's previously disclosed the fees involved with calling him, he's within the law. If the lackey who works for the would be vendor knows nothing about the fees, that's not his problem because the company had been informed.

It's standard, but I was struck that it appears to have been at the top of their to-do list this morning rather than some days from now. I'm guessing they want to head off any reporters talking to personnel, because the second some DoJ lackey in the process gets asked "how do you feel about this?

The Linux ecosystem is as equally viable as any other - so why should kids miss out on the value of this technology, just because a corporate lackey has managed to make a deal with school administrators?Inverse-Totalitarianism!

It's fun to talk about capitalism in the abstract like it doesn't keep monarchism in the closet, underdevelops Africa, props up lackey dictators in the Third World, depends on colonialism/imperialism to get rich, and turns to fascism when in crisis.

One of the responses, fourth from the bottom:> Not sure if either of you guys are still looking for a lackey to build models and fetch coffee, but this kid could be worth a conversationDoes "build models" mean what I think it does - actually coming up with the mathematical method that projects risk, return, etc ?

Lackey definitions


a male servant (especially a footman)

See also: flunky flunkey


a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage

See also: sycophant toady crawler ass-kisser