Vendor in a sentence as a noun

It isnt the vendors that need to go extinct, its BigCo.

I transfer the bitcoin to the vendor, who then does the reverse transaction.

Every other major vendor was wiped out ages ago.

BigCo buys cloud services in 2012 the way it bought time sharing in 1972, so the vendors are still using 1972 sales processes in 2012.

Apple is on track to become just another PC vendor, just another consumer products vendor.

Review the vendor’s dishonest actions and use whatever means you deem necessary to bring this person to justice.

Let's just collectively decide that users with secure boot enabled will be prevented from running any module not shipped by the os vendor.

This approach can be harmful to compatibility because web content comes to rely upon these vendor-prefixed names.

Let's just ignore him, and start startups and get everyone to accept our vendor lock-in and remain blissfully unaware how we're harming everyone.

By the end of the first week, I was bankrupt although I had a huge stockpile of HQ buffs - but most importantly, virtually every buff vendor was empty except mine.

"Another comment:"Re the conclusion: to protect yourself, don't run an OS that will silently install software just because you clicked on a blue link in a program published by the OS vendor.

In that case, the employee needs to be able to defend himself against all sorts of questions: "Why was this product chosen", "Why was this vendor chosen", "Why was it implemented in this way", etc.

There are a lot of really good reasons for going with a single vendor, and remote wipe is a really valuable tool in case of theft, but the downside is ... well, this.- Use some kind of password storage mechanism.

Many times those purchasing decisions are made based on "perceived" synergies with other software systems already owned from the same vendor, having never been vetted by the actually consumer in the business.

Something that you never use for communication, never publish anywhere, something with its own entirely separate password.- Be careful about owning multiple devices from a single vendor that provides remote access and other kinds of control to those devices.

Existing payment systems charge fees of around 2 percent to three percentAs long as consumers are paid in their local currency and vendors pay their employees, their taxes, and their other costs in local currency, then bitcoin as a payment technology has similar costs as credit cards.

Vendor definitions


someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money

See also: seller marketer vender trafficker