Sycophant in a sentence as a noun

"Well he certainly had to deal with a sycophant that day.

Tptacek is fairly well-known as a government sycophant and a "nothing to see here" type.

"If nobody in your network has a track record of results, become a sycophant?

I do not know what he meant, but I had been a military sycophant for a long time so I knew the drill and sank to my knees.

Bringing an Apple sycophant like Gruber on the show doesn't seem to have any practical value, as far as I can tell.

Fame is a terrible burden, and understandably the famous must find ways of dealing with sycophants, detractors and intruders.

-1000 parroting sycophant empty echo-chamber plastic bobbing head nodder.

Sycophant definitions


a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage

See also: toady crawler lackey ass-kisser