Kinky in a sentence as an adjective

You spend more on beer OR lunch OR coffee in Starbucks if you feel kinky.

I have a certain amount of home-made kinky porn on my hard drive.

"Anyone kinkier than you is a pervert, and anyone not as kinky as you is a prude.

I don't know what 'Amateur allure Jen' depicts but it sounds tame rather than wild and kinky.

A friend of mine wrote some kinky erotic fiction, and got a positive response, including from women.

It did not then and does not now stop me from browsing for kinky porn, having massive stand-up arguments with my wife, and emailing the Samaritans about wanting to commit *******.

The complete lack of character in a straight line also makes locations harder to remember - I need to change on the straight line with a station called arbitrary name vs I need to change at the kinky curve.

When more people whose profession depends on the selective lack of "copyright", things on that front might get sorted out sooner than if it was only a group of angry "pirates" calling for something as kinky as internet civil liberties.

And if a kinky sex with a virtual stranger averts even one occasion of the aggression in real life - that'd be great, isn't it ?As for attacks - lots of it is the same /b/chan crowd that plays the pranks in real life - it's all for lulz of disturbing others.

Kinky definitions


(used of sexual behavior) showing or appealing to bizarre or deviant tastes; "kinky sex"; "perverted practices"

See also: perverted


(of hair) in small tight curls

See also: crisp frizzly frizzy nappy


informal terms; strikingly unconventional

See also: far-out offbeat quirky way-out