Offbeat in a sentence as a noun

There's nothing worse than places that mandate you be "fun" and "offbeat".

You can do that with an offbeat word like yelp relatively easily, but they'll never do it with color.

On an offbeat note, this reminds me of the only time I've ever been thoroughly patted down at an airport.

Offbeat in a sentence as an adjective

If I am fun/offbeat, all you as an interviewer have to do is make me comfortable enough to show it.

Greenspan is the 100% owner, the author of this complaint, and the origin of its offbeat legal reasoning.

I understand it's meant to be taken as an offbeat joke but as humorous as it's meant to be, statements like that make me feel troubled and mildly depressed.

Offbeat definitions


an unaccented beat (especially the last beat of a measure)

See also: upbeat


informal terms; strikingly unconventional

See also: far-out kinky quirky way-out