Quirky in a sentence as an adjective

And sure, some of them are quirky or do dumb stuff, but you're 19- you'll live.

That's not it, I'm used to my tools and everything else seems slightly quirky to me.

Let's not further the stigma, or wax poetic about the homeless in SF as some sort of quirky, fun landmark.

It's hard to make something that feels small and personal and quirky yet appeals to everyone.

Those ideas about these laws are, in my view, quirky ones that take significant liberties in interpreting how laws work.

He single handedly made everyone in the Ruby community feel a little more special and fun and light hearted and quirky.

But from that point on, Reddit was more free to become not just a quirky "personalized news" startup, but what it has aspired to since: the front page of the internet.

Javascript is a quirky interpreted scripting language created for scripting minor workflow events.

Us Americans are a little quirky with regards to finding young ladies -- we typically look for ourselves rather than getting formally set up by family or coworkers.

Almost too personal for me to give an objective review, because I found when reading it that the quirky philosophy I've been living my life by since 17 matches up exactly with a 2000-year-old philosophy called Stoicism.

" "I dunno, it's just some weird word" -- you're missing the opportunity to give the product a memorable, clear, unique name that either represents your product as it stands apart from competition, or is memorable and quirky enough that it just sticks.

Quirky definitions


informal terms; strikingly unconventional

See also: far-out kinky offbeat way-out