Indicate in a sentence as a verb

Light up an LED to indicate unlocking for all anyone cares.

Or does the timeout error just indicate that the request took too long?

There was a link to a Microsoft person on the top right of the page, which seemed to indicate he was the author.

My advice to people in similar positions all throughout tech is this: there are three signs that indicate an impending downsizing.

Back button would visually indicate interaction but do nothing.

Further claims indicate that the position indicator disappears when you don't do anything for a minute.

It just looks like the sort of pattern spotting that the human brain is good at and doesn't seem to indicate any sort of systematic crack of Zodiac 340 at all.

A quick glance through his comment history doesn't indicate he's done anything to deserve it.----Hey beedogs: I can't reply to you directly because you're hellbanned.

Without additional information, there is nothing to indicate anything is wrong.

It'll look dated unless I make some changes to the manifest to indicate that I'm ready for the new common controls, but this is pretty straightforward to do; it's not a big rewrite.

Occasional spikes probably indicate boring, but necessary tasks.

When that happens, the the moderators can slightly change the board style to indicate that discussions relevant to the present crisis are acceptable -- maybe a black border and lettering on the Y symbol at the top-left.

The fact that these products look and behave almost nothing like their progenitor technologies doesn't indicate innovation to you?It really disturbs me how little respect us geeks have for the people who consume our products.

But that doesn't indicate stereotypically latino or hispanic features indicate extroversion.

The screen reader needs to, hopefully without making me lose my current place on the page, diff your changes against its current buffer, update its buffer, and somehow indicate to me that the content has changed, without interrupting my current task.

However, simply because a couple mosquitoes have succeeded at killing a human does not, I repeat does not, indicate that the entire world of disease revolves around mosquitoes, nor that a forum discussing mosquitoes is representative of epidemiology as a whole.

The silly notion that only hard, technical inventions with academic papers attached are innovative is the reason why Apple has eaten everyone's lunch up till now."Fit and finish" is as innovative as a new algorithm, it's shocking how much of the industry still treats it as a footnote and a detail, despite the entire history of the tech world since iPhone 1 would indicate.

Indicate definitions


be a signal for or a symptom of; "These symptoms indicate a serious illness"; "Her behavior points to a severe neurosis"; "The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued"

See also: bespeak betoken point signal


indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively; "I showed the customer the glove section"; "He pointed to the empty parking space"; "he indicated his opponents"

See also: point designate show


to state or express briefly; "indicated his wishes in a letter"


give evidence of; "The evidence argues for your claim"; "The results indicate the need for more work"

See also: argue


suggest the necessity of an intervention; in medicine; "Tetracycline is indicated in such cases"

See also: suggest