Argue in a sentence as a verb

Sure, argue rationally all you want; the name will stick.

Sure, argue rationally all you want; the charge will stick.

One can argue that it is bad policy to afford such relief.

I think it's a bit pedantic to argue about his usage of "desire".

" And nobody stopped you, because who can argue with making the world a better place?

It would be hard to argue that PG, for example, isn't a "job creator" -- or at least a wealth creator.

I would argue the exo-planets we have found so far are a very biased sample.

I guess you could argue that Zynga employees have been dancing with the ***** for the past couple of years.

Apple tried to argue that it would take at least 14 days to put a corrective statement on the site a claim that one judge said he "cannot believe".

Trying to argue with him about how to use git with respect to your tiny patch to the Linux kernel seems... like missing the point on a great many things.

If you don't have Flash, I will show you how to get it, but I'm not going to spend the time telling you why you ought to get it, because I don't care to argue the point.

One way this was stopped was to argue that it was not legal for the ISP to charge you for data, then artificially inflate the size of that data by injecting ads.

I guess you could say I have ethics in that if you asked me why I don't, I'd say "it's wrong", but I'd never say something is "clearly unethical" and try to argue why.

There are certainly people trying to argue to the public that a drone strike is highly precise, clinically correct, and technologically accurate.

Maybe that's all accounted for in their paper in a compelling way, but I honestly don't see any way they could ever argue for more than a very limited negative result.

For all the talk about Broder lying and manipulating the record, I would argue that the follow-up is far worse in terms of intentionally misinterpreting the facts.

Some people tried to argue back then that various protections offered by modern OSs and runtimes, such as address space randomization, and the availability of tools like Valgrind for finding memory access bugs, mitigates this.

Thus, the best a trial judge can do in such a case is to make a fact-specific conclusion about the case immediately being tried, one which would have limited impact in the next case, where the parties could argue the same issue on different facts.

I would argue that one reason mature industries seem inefficient to us is that it's been so long since we've encountered the problems the regulatory 'inefficiencies' were meant to address, that we've forgotten why our ancestors put them in place.

During that entire time, her article stood with a very prominent notice saying it was going to be deleted, with a prominent link allowing people to argue in favor of keeping or, better yet, locate a real reliable source backing up any claim to her notability.

Argue definitions


present reasons and arguments

See also: reason


have an argument about something

See also: contend debate fence


give evidence of; "The evidence argues for your claim"; "The results indicate the need for more work"

See also: indicate