Incarnate in a sentence as a verb

I dunno, I'm supposed to be an introvert but I'm chaos incarnate.

For what it's worth, that guy is preposterousness incarnate.

An incarnate Death and "the cosmic owl" are reoccurring characters.

Imagine the worst guy you can think of - truly Hitler incarnate - is running for your city council.

Did Zynga do anything to cause the user base to decline?You mean, other than being evil incarnate?

I, too, laud him for the post, I just don't like Hacker News getting carried away and comparing him to Jesus incarnate.

Incarnate in a sentence as an adjective

I like how you can not write a single sentence in that message without accusing google of being the ***** incarnate that eat babies.

All kinds of things are going to become so much easier to develop and more robust without the Internet-breaking ***** incarnate known as NAT.

Foxconn provides hundreds of thousands of migrant workers with the money they need to send their kids to school, and they are practically the ***** incarnate.

It certainly is applicable to the article, as the article can be summarized as "I've moved up a language on the blub line, and now my old perfect language is clearly inferior, but my new blub is perfection incarnate".

It can be satisfying to paint people who've committed crimes as Satan incarnate, but that's not realistic, and selling a fantastical version of history as definitive can have serious long-term consequences.

"I see far too many people who believe that Democrats can do no evil and that Republicans are evil incarnate, when the reality is that it took both parties, working together for decades, to arrive at the current juncture.

Incarnate definitions


make concrete and real


represent in bodily form; "He embodies all that is evil wrong with the system"; "The painting substantiates the feelings of the artist"

See also: embody substantiate


possessing or existing in bodily form; "what seemed corporal melted as breath into the wind"- Shakespeare; "an incarnate spirit"; "`corporate' is an archaic term"

See also: bodied corporal corporate embodied


invested with a bodily form especially of a human body; "a monarch...regarded as a god incarnate"