Embodied in a sentence as an adjective

As an embodied cognition guy, I disagree here pretty strongly.

The principle is embodied in biology just like the concept of a square can be embodied as a planet.

It's just embodied in the behaviour of Windows rather than anywhere useful.

Which on the whole is good, because the old arrangements often embodied technical limitations that have now disappeared.

And that information is embodied in its type, expressed in its type signature, and enforced by the type-checker at compile time.

> Google+ embodied the Internet's cardinal sin: It broke everything it touchedI think this is the most important single line of the piece.

That structure did not envision digital technology as embodied in software and has in the past 20 years become corrupted.

What it looks like as a two dimensional projection is irrelevant to the actual embodied experience of architecture.

Depression comes from letting the bullies control her and happiness comes from refusing to do so. This very concept is in fact expressly embodied in the game with a little sequence where letting them get to her makes her fall to the ground, and she has to force herself to get back up and keep going.

The "inaudible" part of the question is: "I would like, for example, for you to express in clear terms how, say, Java, in any of its incarnations, addresses the ideas embodied in OpenDoc.

He operates beyond conventional morality because the sharpness of his judgement and the greatness of his philosophical insights far exceeds the value of the slave morality embodied by everyday law, and morals.

Embodied definitions


possessing or existing in bodily form; "what seemed corporal melted as breath into the wind"- Shakespeare; "an incarnate spirit"; "`corporate' is an archaic term"

See also: bodied corporal corporate incarnate