Cosmic in a sentence as an adjective

On the cosmic scale, rooting for any sports team isn't much different... ;P

But with the cosmic sadness there is no going up one level, it's all there to ponder and still real.

Then, almost as an afterthought, let a team of humans go, with appropriate cosmic ray shielding, etc.

I find this much more inspiring than the idea that somewhere there is a big cosmic finish line waiting just for you to fall short of.

There's some cosmic irony in putting a presentation about good UI on Slideshare.

They are a lot more susceptible to damage and disruption due to cosmic rays and other environmental agents.

A group in the 70's found statistically significant evidence for them preceding cosmic showers.

The most striking feature... the cosmic rays would travel preferentially along the axes of the lattice, so we wouldn't see them equally in all directions.

This is where a manager takes some responsibility and decides that that's a acceptable risk in order to keep the company from looking like a cosmic dick.

The intensity of the human consciousness depends on the synchronicity with the basic frequency of QS of cosmic space.";6.

But with only a few random bits of cosmic entropy set differently, the creator could create exactly the same content, fail to get those first 3-5 votes, and the number of views on the article/app/etc.

Unforeseeable bit-copying errors caused by cosmic rays and similar circumstances, which do exist, probably account for less than a one out of every billion actual bugs/crashes experienced out there.

Prisoners of our own device, to repeat our cyclic cosmic history of creating and being enamored of devices...carter announcing that 'those are the bitcoins of the real world' only played into this paranoia more; i think he was trying to tell me "look, you're living in your head and you have to operate according to the perspective of the world.

Learning of an old friend giving birth seems very much less significant when we learn of it not through direct communication but through a wall post that is read by 600 other "friends".Space travel gave us the ability to see our own world from afar, revealing to us the fragility of our world and the insignificance of human existence when seen from a cosmic scale.

Cosmic definitions


of or from or pertaining to or characteristic of the cosmos or universe; "cosmic laws"; "cosmic catastrophe"; "cosmic rays"


inconceivably extended in space or time