Bodied in a sentence as an adjective

Hello good sirs, I am able bodied and in want of land and picket.

I find it incredible that any able-bodied person would not give up a chair to a person on crutches.

I'm willing to accept someone can mistake a full bodied white for a thin Pinot Noir if food coloring was involved.

The inhabitants seem to have an obsession with some sort of soft-bodied apparatus, which they appear to consume as fuel.

Well, the same Congress that passed the Bill of Rights also passed the first militia act, basically all able bodied men up to age 45 as I recall.

Of course as a white, British, heterosexual, able-bodied, 20-something male, my opinion is given a - weighting.

> "No one owns a car" is not a nice transition, no matter how awesome you think it is in the latest novel you read about able-bodied and pretty 20-somethings.

"No one owns a car" is not a nice transition, no matter how awesome you think it is in the latest novel you read about able-bodied and pretty 20-somethings.

They once slaughtered an entire Republic field army--and remember the Republic's army consisted of most of Rome's young, able-bodied citizens.

"He admits being torn on the subject, but that doesn't change that many able-bodied, mentally sound people can do more than they're necessarily capable of realizing while in the throes of despair.

Though he is usually depicted as blue, some other depictions of Vishnu exist as green-bodied, and in the Kurma Purana he is described as colorless and with red eyes.

I would guess that there's a much greater difference between the military and civilian cultures for the US than for South Korea, simply because the SK military conscripts all able-bodied males.

> When able-bodied competitors engage in hard physical activities like running or swimming, blood pressure and heart rate increase automatically.

Immersion methods, like the French Press, leave all coffee beans in the full quantity of water for the brew time, and by using filters that remove only coffee grounds, produce a flavorful, full-bodied cup of coffee with natural oils.

I don't care if you are male/female, black/white/pink/purple/transparent, straight/gay/transgender, human/animal/robot/script, able bodied/disabled or anything in between....put the best person in the job - that is real gender equality.

In the US, social services, especially housing vouchers for hard-to-find apartments are only available to single mothers -- a household with an able-bodied male will almost never qualify.

All of Europe, Japan, and America were in a state of Total War - Every available resource was being put towards the production of munitions, every able-bodied man was being drafted, every spare cent was being spent on the war.

Bodied definitions


having a body or a body of a specified kind; often used in combination; "strong-bodied"; "big-bodied"


possessing or existing in bodily form; "what seemed corporal melted as breath into the wind"- Shakespeare; "an incarnate spirit"; "`corporate' is an archaic term"

See also: corporal corporate embodied incarnate