Impose in a sentence as a verb

But I think it's harmful to impose that view on others.

If you want to tax and impose rules on corporations then extend them the right to vote.

Well, that is precisely how those who sought to impose thought control in other eras rationalized their conduct.

Or I can let others use it freely but only on if they meet some condition that I impose on it, such as giving me attribution.

As countries become more corrupted, their "legal" system becomes less about the law and justice, and more an arm of the state to impose its will.

Nothing in its authorizing statute expressly permits it to impose the rules now known as net neutrality.

Therefore, it no longer needs to impose insane-looking licensing terms on persons wanting to post to its site and it has dropped those terms.

Presumably this is to facilitate blocking, but it would also impose significant load issues and key bottlenecks.

But what he ignores is that Congress never handed the FCC the authority to impose Net neutrality regulations on the Internet.

All that is required is that the issuer meet the requirements imposed by securities laws for disclosing all material facts relating to the investment.

Remember Hollywood's successful efforts to lobby the FCC to impose "broadcast flags" on computers by bureaucratic fiat?

There is still a fair bit of frustration out there with law enforcement though, as they continue to impose draconian and orwellian systems but haven't implemented the low hanging fruit in policy changes for actually dealing with this ****.

I'm reminded of Julian Assange's essay[1] on the nature of conspiracies, and how leaks serve to impose a 'secrecy tax' upon them, further obfuscating and reducing the power of information-sharing links between nodes.

I'm curious how many people who have the ability to upvote or flag stories actually do so. For my part, I'm very conservative:- I never flag stories; I may not find a story interesting, but I don't feel it's appropriate to impose my interests on others or 'police' their discussions.- I rarely upvote stories, mostly because I'm usually browsing stories that are already on the front-page.

People in the community would self-censor, and moreso censor each other by saying explicitly: "If we don't censor amongst ourselves, the central authorities will be forced to step in and impose even tighter and more strict measures than we are under now.

This part of the Act says, in effect, "we realize that the IPO market has been moribund ever since SOX was enacted and, because part of the reason is the heavy regulatory burdens imposed by SOX, we will seek to encourage more IPOs by giving issuers more incentive to go public without having to face huge expenses right out the gate.

\n There would be no place to hide.\n\n If this government ever became a tyrant, if a dictator \n ever took charge in this country, the technological \n capacity that the intelligence community has given the \n government could enable it to impose total tyranny, and \n there would be no way to fight back because the most \n careful effort to combine together in resistance to the \n government, no matter how privately it was done, is\n within the reach of the government to know.

Impose definitions


compel to behave in a certain way; "Social relations impose courtesy"

See also: enforce


impose something unpleasant; "The principal visited his rage on the students"

See also: inflict visit


impose and collect; "levy a fine"

See also: levy