Enforce in a sentence as a verb

Sometimes you just have to sue to enforce a contract and your rights.

Now we are starting to develop some tech that does let us rigidly enforce laws.

Banks enforce these rules because some internal security group set the rule a while back and thats what they use.

This would use taxpayer dollars to enforce dying copyright regimes.

That is true, but hard to enforce, especially on a multi-person project.

If these laws are violated, the state authorities have the power to take legal actions to enforce them.

Google needs to have a consistent policy towards these blackhat SEO offenders and enforce it for everyone.

At present, there's no reasonable way to enforce people's obligations to share the cost of what they otherwise "share" freely.

We are drowning in laws and their discretionary enforcement shapes our de facto legal and political landscape.

This provides an incentive for the police to enforce certain laws more than others because doing so can lead to an increase in the funding for the department.

It's impossible to enforce every legal restriction in software.

Modern law enforcement is all about discretionary enforcement, at every level from the cop on the beat up to prosecutors and judges.

You really do want the elements of a contract regardless of whether this is going to be enforced by a court, a person's own conscience, reputation networks, or public shaming.

We want the database to enforce validity because there will always wind up being tools outside the OO library that need to access the database and we don't want those tools to screw up the data.

" Yes, the taxi companies are trying to shut down Uber and Lyft using regulation, but they are just trying to enforce a legal monopoly granted to them by the cities in which they operate.

If CL had exclusive rights to enforce claims relating to the CL postings, then it could try to shut down 3Tap whether or not 3Tap was technically bound by the CL terms of use because it could do so from the copyright angle.

In the name of "protection" from real or imaginary dangers politicians, bureaucrats and autocrats will enforce Internet monitoring within a lot of countries.

We need to recognize and encourage natural differences, but we also need to shut down social conditioning that attempts to enforce a particular set of differences without regard for individual context.

Enforce definitions


ensure observance of laws and rules; "Apply the rules to everyone";

See also: implement apply


compel to behave in a certain way; "Social relations impose courtesy"

See also: impose