Censor in a sentence as a noun

He is not the kind of person you can ask to censor himself. If he thinks u.

If we continue to censor ourselves, it will destroy us." I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

But the thing that really gets me is our government giving itself power to censor the internet.

Maybe PG's algorithms should censor you without any evidence? -------------- My parents had the exact same experience as in the article.

Apple has the ability to censor which even the government can't and worse is that it's fully legal. I really wish people would take these stories as a sign that we need to focus on the android market.

We didn't censor any comments; we did no moderation of any kind today. I have no idea what happened to his comment, but nobody at npm did anything to it.

I'm not trying to censor discussion but it just seems a little odd to publicly deconstruct this guy in every mental health thread like he's some type of lab specimen. It is indeed possible to read comments while hellbanned.

When I go back to Pycon next year I don't want to be treated differently and as a sound minded adult I certainly don't need people to censor themselves around me.

Censor in a sentence as a verb

We should be encouraging kids to program for ecosystems that are free to enter, and that don't censor apps for disagreeing with their delicate sensibilities.

We try to make our terms of service as fair as possiblewe are not looking to censor any information or content on our customers' droplets. As you have raised this issue, to make the situation clearer, the phrase referring to obscenity and profanity has been removed from our terms of service.

For example, content owners wish to censor the internet so they can keep selling consumers ****, while banks wish to tax everybody when they make a loss on their trades. OWS is not anti-business, it is anti-corruption, and there's few things more damaging to progress than corruption.

PG has come out in explicit defense on AirBnB's behalf when they are very clearly falling short in the ethical and "right thing to do" department, not to mention trying to censor somebody by pressuring them. Taking about closing funding rounds to a person who has their house burgled and trashed is beyond ludicrous.

Several years ago, Bill Joy talked about having to censor certain intellectual information, for situations just such as this. I thought he was a bit crazy at the time; but with developments like this, well, maybe there's an uncomfortable discussion to be had, here; personally, I need to think more about this.

People in the community would self-censor, and moreso censor each other by saying explicitly: "If we don't censor amongst ourselves, the central authorities will be forced to step in and impose even tighter and more strict measures than we are under now." This goes beyond a simple fear of consequences.

The people who most frequently refer to internet piracy as theft/stealing are the ones who want to censor the internet and pay off congress. I hope that, regardless of where they stand on the piracy issue, HN users can be a little more articulate about why piracy is or is not permissible and stop referring to it inaccurately.

Censor definitions


someone who censures or condemns


a person who is authorized to read publications or correspondence or to watch theatrical performances and suppress in whole or in part anything considered obscene or politically unacceptable


forbid the public distribution of ( a movie or a newspaper)


subject to political, religious, or moral censorship; "This magazine is censored by the government"