Impassioned in a sentence as an adjective

" and the other half are baiting arguments from others who feel impassioned by the issue.

I'm sorry, but your impassioned and eloquent post is wasted on the garbage you're responding to.

I think the shortage of software development skills really has to do with the lack of there being enough people who get impassioned with this kind of stuff.

Even at that, you've created something so frustrating to me that even being face-to-face would not have stayed my impassioned rage, here.

This is just a conjecture about why it's in their interest to shut it down, contrary to impassioned arguments about how much money they could make to keep it.

> Make impassioned speech then go break into the neighbor's house and scatter his secret documents all over the lawnSorry, but that's a pretty bad analogy.

Unfortunately your first email to the person went straight into offensive mode, was personal, impassioned and appears urgent.

Is that how he teaches his students to write as well?If those students can write something this straightforward, impassioned, and moving, they'll be better writers than most high school graduates.

The opposing attorney is not going to say, "Well, I was going to grill you, but I've had a change of heart ever since reading that impassioned, honest, salt-of-the-earth statement you released pre-trial".

In what can only be described as an impassioned effort to save their own kind from the hand of poachersThere are ways to describe it that don't attribute human motivations to gorillas.

In this impassioned talk, Ben Goldacre explains why these unreported instances of negative data are especially misleading and dangerous.

So impassioned arguments about "security through obscurity" and "the futility of trying to hide protocols" aren't adding much to the discussion.

", then all the people in the second category will rush to defend their favorite tool, while the people in the first category may present cogent arguments for their tool of choice but won't seem all that impassioned.

This is a tricky point, and I'm going to head off all the impassioned comments stating that programming actually is sacred by saying: sometimes the biggest gains can be made through design and development, but sometimes not.

I could not take the strip with me if I quit, or even prevent the syndicate from replacing me, so I was truly scared I was going to lose everything I cared about either way. I made a lot of impassioned arguments for why a work of art should reflect the ideas and beliefs of its creator, but the simple fact was that my contract made that issue irrelevant.

Snowden/NSA articles frequently contain impassioned defenses about how relevant they are to the tech community at large, and I agree, but the problem with their proliferation is the topic bleed they lead to.

And then several bystanders who previously knew nothing about Snowden said that even without knowing all the facts of the case, they were much more swayed by the Snowden supporters because we presented reasoned, sourced debate rather than impassioned name-calling.

Impassioned definitions


characterized by intense emotion; "ardent love"; "an ardent lover"; "a fervent desire to change society"; "a fervent admirer"; "fiery oratory"; "an impassioned appeal"; "a torrid love affair"

See also: ardent fervent fervid fiery perfervid torrid