Fiery in a sentence as an adjective

I hate TWC with a great and fiery passion.

If it all rolls up into this "bro" atmosphere, maybe that should die a fiery death?Using these terms is doing IT a disservice.

There's nothing like the fiery, strident rhetoric of a manifesto to get one's heart pounding.

Htlatex is an abomination that should be destroyed in the fiery pits of **** after some long quest with a ring and some hobbits.

These are the voices that shape Democratic economic policy, and they are not exactly a group of fiery progressives.

Calling the hn thread fiery and inaccessible, what exactly is inaccessible about a thread on hn?

I have almost no problem with internal recruiters, it's the external/contingency recruiters that I hate with a fiery passion.

If anything, movies dramatically overstate the fiery / explosive aspect of most car wrecks.

Heck, it happens all the time: a politician digs up a school paper written by an opponent who was a fiery socialist 30 years ago, and tries to paint them with that brush.

But suppose there were no democracy in Western nations?A British prime minister could not order a million people dragged out of their houses and off the streets to be melted down to soap in fiery furnaces.

Nurses get paid as much as programmersI was all primed with a fiery response about how good programmers in hot markets should be pulling more than 200k, lousy markets at least 100k, and anyone who wasn't is either a lousy negotiator or not good, but then I remembered where I was.

> TSA Defies CourtWhich is basically moot, since they're both on the side of "national security".Which more or less translates to "we can do what we like to protect you from terrorism, no we won't answer your questions at the risk of helping terrorists, and yes you absolutely must pay us billions to do it, or we will all die in a fiery ball of terrorism".And if you doubt any of this, well, we have some questions we'd like to ask you about the nature of your trip, sir.

Fiery definitions


characterized by intense emotion; "ardent love"; "an ardent lover"; "a fervent desire to change society"; "a fervent admirer"; "fiery oratory"; "an impassioned appeal"; "a torrid love affair"

See also: ardent fervent fervid impassioned perfervid torrid


like or suggestive of fire; "a fiery desert wind"; "an igneous desert atmosphere"

See also: igneous


very intense; "a fiery temper"; "flaming passions"

See also: flaming