Immunise in a sentence as a verb

Don't forget we have massive campaigns to immunise against flu.

Saying "please don't downvote this" does not immunise you from getting downvoted.

The number of people choosing not to immunise is larger, and herd immunity is at risk. So, they're sort of the the same but the risks are different.

If we can't feed the developing world, how do you suppose we'll immunise the developing world?

If you wanted to do this, surely you would immunise your own people against it first to reduce local damage? And for saying the USA planted it in China...

They're easy to implement, pretty easy to immunise against timing attacks, and relatively easy to review. So we're not just trusting DJB here.

Yes. Also, we have massive campaigns to immunise as many vulnerable as possible against flu every year.

Instead of dictating how the vaccine should immunise, how much it should cost or who should make it, politicians identified the problem that needed solving and wrote the cheques to make it happen. The rest was down to scientists.

Vaccines might cause Autism -- best not immunise my kids against that killer disease measles." "WiFi might cause cancer -- best not put wireless networks in schools" "Industrialiation might cause global warming -- best not let poor countries build power plants"

For example the early data for HPV vaccination was enough that as public health policy it made sense to immunise boys. The men would not spread HPV and thus contribute to reduced cancer in any future female partners.

There are also ways to allow merchants to immunise themselves against chargebacks. It’s already possible to top up brokerage accounts using a Credit/Debit card.

The very many parents who believed Wakefield[1] and didn't immunise their children prove you wrong. Some parents are scared, and want to do the best, and cannot assess risk, and cannot understand scientific research, and thus are vulnerable to woo.

No I'm not saying "don't immunise". I am only concerned about the fact that the overpopulation and the associated suffering side effects are not considered.

If those countries manage to immunise their populations quickly then Sweden's approach was a huge failure in comparison. But more to the point Sweden has now started trying to mandate restrictions and lockdowns as their health system is struggling and relying on public goodwill to do the right thing just isn't enough.

Flu is really serious, which is why we have nationally co-ordinated campaigns of surveillance and monitoring, and then rapid vaccination development, and then programmes to immunise as many vulnerable people as possible. So far, we think covid-19 is about 10 times worse than flu.

And to immunise myself from potential responses of "ewww, mail order brides are creepy", I'm not actually suggesting using those services, merely pointing out that if markets exist where women happily engage in such practices, consider what it implies about normal dating locally in some instances. The western cultural experience is not the only option on the table.

They are an adult and they can decide whether they consent to being immunised or not after making a choice on the matter. But children have none of those rights or responsibilities. Why should a child suffer and/or die from a disease preventable by immunisation because of the actively harmful choices of their parents? It's literally child abuse. Refusing to immunise your child on some completely false belief that it will harm them is no different from letting your child play on a busy road.

Given Johnson and his government's inconsistent, perhaps even lackadaisical, response to the severity of the Covid-19 pandemic, it's not unusual that this emergency rushing be treated with skepticism — is it a good faith move to help immunise Britain or a way to save face for failing to properly implement lockdown quickly and early? Any agency from around the world, not just in the EU, might hold the same skepticism and provide such criticism.

These aren't to me the clearest Wikipedia pages, but I think I now understand that - in modern usage, ignoring origins - vaccination and inoculation are both types of immunisation; the latter using a sample of the thing to immunise against, while a vaccine is actually strictly speaking immunisation through other means, some other substance to the thing that should be immunised against? I suppose I thought they were synonyms, but I certainly thought a vaccine was 'a bit of' the thing to immunised against, despite remembering Jenner and his cow.

> "To avoid a rebound in transmission, these policies will need to be maintained until large stocks of vaccine are available to immunise the population – which could be 18 months or more" That sounds very much like a "worst-case", afaik German CureVac are right now in the stage of selecting the last 2 candidates for a vaccine, they expect first clinical trials around June/July, I'd be surprised if they are the only ones that far along. That's not meant to say this will be over the instant we have a vaccine, but finding one is right now the big X factor that makes all estimates veer on the rather pessimistic side.

Immunise definitions


law: grant immunity from prosecution

See also: immunize


perform vaccinations or produce immunity in by inoculation; "We vaccinate against scarlet fever"; "The nurse vaccinated the children in the school"

See also: immunize inoculate vaccinate