Hoop in a sentence as a noun

I hate the hoop jumping in modern games.

Want to hula hoop without being looked at?

They are jumping through hoop after hoop just to do basic stuff.

One does not "hula hoop" in a place of work if one does not want to be looked at.

The thing is just never done with me - always demanding I jump through some new hoop.

[...] What I did have a problem with is the line of men sitting on one bench facing the hoopers and gawking at them.

Two women [...] were hula hooping to some music.

Let's consider what it means for this GitHub hula hoop party to be "unsafe.

I think it's really a huge stretch to go from oogling of hula hoopers to "feeling unsafe".

" If people are hula hooping, regardless of whether they are male or female, people are going to look.

?Even as a user determined to see what the fuss is about, I don't even jump through this hoop.

When does hula hooping in a public space transfer to a public performance?

What I did have a problem with is the line of men sitting on one bench facing the hoopers and gawking at them.

What, after watching some women do hoola hoop men suddenly turn into rapists?

It was also super badass hula hooping, not just regular dancing.

Hoop in a sentence as a verb

If someone were to hula-hoop to music in my office, male or female, I am pretty sure there would be a lot of people looking on.

Probably worth mentioning that the hula hoop dancing happened at a Github party with a lot of people not from Github.

The article quotes JAH's email as saying, "Two women, one of whom I work with and adore, and a friend of hers were hula hooping to some music.

This shared area might have a basketball hoop, swimming pool, jungle-gym, soccer nets, BBQ pit or whatever the residents wanted.

Watching your co-workers as they hula-hoop in the office doesn't sound terribly sexist or out of the ordinary [1].

It's certainly a hoop if you're already employed and have a multitude of options that I would presume the best and the brightest all do.

Does it only become public after an audience gathers and the hula hooper continues to hula hoop?

Every time I sit down to play a game I actually purchased, I feel cheated: "insert the disk, connect to the internet, and jump through this hoop please.

What is wrong with this culture of suppressing even the most basic sexual ideas to the point of closing eyes when a female starts to hola hoop.

Basically, you plant them in the fall, and allow them to overwinter in cold frames, or in hoop houses with row covers and a few degrees of artificial heat.

Instead, she talked to male coworkers, not specifically HR or a founder, about the wisdom of allowing women to hula hoop in the office?

"What is the dangerous thing that Horvath thought would happen?Do we really consider the suggestion plausible that GitHub's allowance of hula-hooping-watching will result in a gang rape in its offices?

What if someone sees the gathered audience and joins in so that they won't be considered rude for not taking interest in the public hula hooping performance?It's not really as clear cut as "staring makes you an *******.

I've worked at extremely liberal companies but that kind of stuff doesn't happen..> and they need to feel comfortable to do that without being turned into sex objectsI don't think it's a person's right to hula hoop in an office and then be upset when they attract the attention of the rest of the office, regardless of sex on both sides.

Hoop definitions


a light curved skeleton to spread out a skirt


a rigid circular band of metal or wood or other material used for holding or fastening or hanging or pulling; "there was still a rusty iron hoop for tying a horse"

See also: ring


a small arch used as croquet equipment

See also: wicket


horizontal circular metal hoop supporting a net through which players try to throw the basketball

See also: basket


bind or fasten with a hoop; "hoop vats"