Basket in a sentence as a noun

And I don't know about you, but I was taught to never put all your eggs in one basket.

The basket you chose failed, and you had no redundancy basket to fail over to.

It is always perilous for a startup to put all its eggs in one BigCorp basket.

That's the reality of the cloud though, you're really just objecting to having all your eggs in one basket.

People understood what "having no objects" meant long before there was a symbol for "the number of objects in an empty basket".

Or what if grocery stores had a basket next to each checkout, and you buy extra food while shopping, then place it in there to be donated?

If that means leaving the office by 6pm every day for your underwater basket-weaving class, also fantastic.

You weren't down because an Amazon engineer fat-fingered a maintenance command, you were down because you chose to put all of your eggs in one basket.

People don't want all their interactions to be on one platform for the same reason no one puts all their eggs in the same basket, and in addition, there are nicer baskets out there to try out!

His point is more about not putting all your eggs in one basket; you certainly don't tell your barista about an upcoming physician's appointment, or that you are in the market for a house.

I mean, from a naive standpoint, it would sound like "putting all your eggs in one basket" could lead you to a problem, but how would I know, right?Helpfully, the article claims to quote cryptographers on the matter.

But that doesn't mean that the ancient Egyptians used to waste hours staring into newly-emptied buckets and baskets in stunned amazement, murmuring "what on earth is that" to themselves in Coptic.

Basket definitions


a container that is usually woven and has handles

See also: handbasket


the quantity contained in a basket

See also: basketful


horizontal circular metal hoop supporting a net through which players try to throw the basketball

See also: hoop


a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop