Hinterland in a sentence as a noun

> China has this huge hinterland that wasn't there in South KoreaExactly.

China can't modernize so quickly because it has a large hinterland that SK and Taiwan don't.

I live in that dreary, dystopian, socialist hinterland just to the north of the USA.

Apple is just providing this trove of data on the cheap to every hinterland app developer.

Silicon Valley and Manhattan are like Dubai - gaudy showcases that don't represent the true nature of the hinterland.

Everything which has a hinterland and ecosystem around it benefits from network effects.

HN is a network that seems to have some value to those of us in the hinterland, but perhaps this network of people could offer value back to YC as more than just interlocutors?

Singapore lost its hinterland and was no longer the administrative or economic capital of the Malay Peninsula.

Isn't trying to explain poverty by referring to two of your friends a massive overprojection?There are indeed times when a problem could be solved on the higher level by managing resources better, if you actually have the hinterland.

Hinterland definitions


a remote and undeveloped area

See also: backwoods boondocks