Backwoods in a sentence as a noun

In the backwoods, the local yokels will sometimes shoot at transmission towers, taking out the fiber links with them.

From "The Hoosier Schoolmaster", published in 1871, but I suppose representing the 1840s or 1850s:" There is one branch diligently taught in a backwoods school.

It's like a stereotypical town thought to exist in the backwoods of Arkansas, but it's real, slavery is still legal, and it's part of the US.

I definitely didn't want to be backwoods poor, it positively influenced my decisions.

If you're some sort of mythic backwoods ascetic who hunts his own food and builds his own dwelling then sure, but that's only a viable path for the most extreme and committed.

They're being compared to those entire nations including all children from their affluent urban suburbs to their impoverished backwoods one-room schools.

Believe me I've seen people living in structures that violate every building, electrical, and plumbing code in the book, but out in the backwoods nobody cares.

"'Know Webster's Elementary' came down from Heaven," would be the backwoods version of the 'Greek saying but that, unfortunately for the Greeks, their fame has not reached so far. It often happens that the pupil does not know the meaning of a single word in the lesson.

Teen girls take off on a road trip in their Tesla Model Z, when an unfortunately timed OTA update leaves them stranded in a land of backwoods hillbillies... with secrets they'd rather stay secret.

Of course this sounded like a great idea when I was still deciding where to apply, but it turned into a major annoyance when I'm still receiving spam from these backwoods colleges more than a year after accepting an offer.

Backwoods definitions


a remote and undeveloped area

See also: boondocks hinterland