Boondocks in a sentence as a noun

You could be living in the boondocks on $100k a year, where the cost of living is next to nothing.

A lot of gangs in Chicago compared to let's say boondocks, Ohio....

I was amazed that out in the boondocks mobile phones worked just about everywhere.

Nor can I advise any enterprising and ambitious student to move to the boondocks for a job.

My local community college in the boondocks of the Northeastern US has just as many in the sciences.

The "developers first" culture he created made it possible for regular people to make real livings in software, bringing tech out of the nerd boondocks.

On the other hand, Purolator will happily redirect your package to the nearest Purolator depot out in the boondocks.

Rents in Australia have followed the exhorbitant house pricing, and these days if you want to rent, you either share a house, be a well-salaried person, live in a dog box, or live in the boondocks.

Boondocks definitions


a remote and undeveloped area

See also: backwoods hinterland