Prohibitive in a sentence as an adjective

While having access at all is nice, the terms of use are prohibitive and somewhat heavy handed.

Expensive domain registration would make it cost prohibitive for average people to start a website.

And a lot of the remaining 10% might be good, but the work involved in figuring that out for sure would often be prohibitive, for an unclear payoff.

If they're going to either be suddenly shut down or have prohibitive, anti-startup pricing applied to them then why should we hitch our wagon to their horse?

What good does that do?I can think of lots of alternatives for the OP but all of them have certain costs/tradeoffs that are prohibitive in many scenarios.

Here's the problem: scarcity exists on the creative side of the entertainment business, but it's scarcity by way of cost-prohibitive access.

It's challenging enough to make a museum/theme-park ride that shuttles a dozen people through an 'experience' on a track without the line becoming prohibitively long.

You don't need much more data to massively increase the confidence level, and so if the cost of collecting it is not prohibitive you absolutely should go ahead and do that.

> the cost of a private university is prohibitive for many if not most familiesThe public universities are free and of good quality.

That's cost prohibitive for individual ownership, but it would not be a problem for a business model like ZipCar + Uber, where you call a car on your mobile phone to get you, and 'rent it' for a short self-driving or assisted trip.

At a time when just overhearing a conversation was hard enough to require concerted effort, they could not dream of a day when a significant percentage of every conversation among 300,000,000 people could be monitored and catalogued automatically at a not-prohibitive cost.

Would Amit and thousands of others in his position be resorting to begging for access to life-saving treatments, or being put on waiting lists that are far too long relative to their prognosis?My guess is no, with the exception of people too poor to afford access to such materials - which are already so cost prohibitive that this is already a problem.

Prohibitive definitions


tending to discourage (especially of prices); "the price was prohibitive"

See also: prohibitory