Accomplish in a sentence as a verb

You have to say, "I am going to accomplish this, come **** or high water.

One wonders what the 17 year olds of today might accomplish...

He contributed a lot to the world in his short life and I regret the loss of all the things he had yet to accomplish.

I feel sorry for the author of this post - he actually believes hard, boring work is the only way to accomplish anything.

As time went on, it became increasingly clear that they would not be able to accomplish the goal they originally set out to do.

Granted, I might want to start using the nascent .NET, but Managed C++ and COM interop makes that pretty easy to accomplish piecemeal.

What's interesting is that Jobs accomplished something valuable to society, though not without leaving a trail of damage in his wake.

Every single goddamn thing I try to accomplish while setting up a server involves a minimum of 1 hour of googling and tinkering.

Because "build atop a crumbling foundation" has demonstrated time and again to be, by far, the most successful way to accomplish anything in computing?

Because of the narrowness of the room, both horizontally and vertically, it was quite a challenge to **** the bed around, but after quite a struggle I accomplished it.

What's that going to accomplish?I understand her view that sexual undercurrents in an office makes things uncomfortable for some women, and I understand her wanting that toned down.

There are tons of jobs that will need to be done as you guys grow, and each one of those is an opportunity for you to contribute above and beyond what a new hire off the street could accomplish.

And these things become self-reinforcing, so you have investors talking about how the real reason startups are so valuable is that founders can work so hard that they accomplish a career's worth of work in just a few years.

"Fighting" here, the battle between the heroic pursuit of accomplishment on the one hand and the "insidious machine called quo" on the other, is just the author reporting his own conflicts about what he wants to do.

The story is about the ingenious use of diplomatic and intelligence resources to accomplish a daring cross-border mission in an innovative way.

It's nice if the constraints are prioritized so you know what to give up if you can't satisfy them all. But there's nothing quite like saying "Yeah, we did this thing in two weeks that everyone assumed was impossible, and we did it without a binary push" or "Through our clever architecture, we accomplished with one server what everyone thought required a whole rack.

"Note that the initial court order although appearing to target the specific user demanded explicitly that Lavabit "shall furnish agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, forthwith, all information, facilities, and technical assistance necessary to accomplish the installation and use of the pen/trap device.

Accomplish definitions


put in effect; "carry out a task"; "execute the decision of the people"; "He actioned the operation"

See also: execute action fulfill fulfil


to gain with effort; "she achieved her goal despite setbacks"

See also: achieve attain reach