Flyer in a sentence as a noun

I would rather call it "presentation page" or "virtual flyer".

Imagine if Groupon sent their daily flyer in plain text: Click-through would plummet.

Would not be surprised if the percentage of first-time flyers on US domestic flights is less than 5%.

Or perhaps they've already made a million or so and own a home; why not take a flyer and see where it goes?

The content of a well-written letter takes a backseat in value to being able to put a crappy starburst on a bake-sale flyer?

Flyer definitions


an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution; "he mailed the circular to all subscribers"

See also: circular handbill bill broadside broadsheet flier throwaway


someone who travels by air

See also: flier


someone who operates an aircraft

See also: aviator aeronaut airman flier