Throwaway in a sentence as a noun

Normally, on topics like this I post under a throwaway.

It's kind of questionable that a one-paragraph throwaway rant like this has hit the front page of HN. But if that indicates that a lot of people around here have burned their facebook accounts, or are planning to, that would be a hopeful sign for civilization.

Far from being angry, I think that the majority of people reading here on HN actually appreciate this type of critical analysis, and I think that it is a shame that it had to be posted on a throwaway account.

Throwaway in a sentence as an adjective

If you're writing throwaway code for a client with loose constraints and a tight deadline you'll write code differently then you would when you expect to maintain a long term relationship with a client who expects a high degree of correctness.

The reason you chose instead to focus your lengthy comment on that one throwaway line is because it reinforces your preexisting view that unions are the main problem with education, even though this article is mainly about some of the other problems.

But a book teaching how to write code in the language is not a throwaway spike solution, and in that environment you should either explicitly tell readers you're teaching them a style that nobody else uses in production code or — and this is my preference — just write idiomatic code.

Throwaway definitions


(sometimes offensive) a homeless boy who has been abandoned and roams the streets

See also: gamin


an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution; "he mailed the circular to all subscribers"

See also: circular handbill bill broadside broadsheet flier flyer


words spoken in a casual way with conscious under-emphasis


thrown away; "wearing someone's cast-off clothes"; "throwaway children living on the streets"; "salvaged some thrown-away furniture"

See also: discarded


intended to be thrown away after use; "throwaway diapers"