Handbill in a sentence as a noun

My biggest advice is build a web page not an app. It's easier for people to find and access because all you need is to print the URL on a handbill and hand those out on a busy street.

Get them to list some inventory, as an additional revenue source, and perhaps you can post some handbills there.

And the NYT only needs a few hundred journalists and editors Think of all the jobs for town cryers and handbill printers that it destroyed.

I'm seeing handbills around the LA area for a something similar called "ilivingapp" that seems to be a free app that lets you pay $10/mo for the privilege of promoting it.

The important things are that the contents of the ads aren't discriminatory against protected classes, and they can in theory be seen by anyone who buys the right paper or sees the handbill or billboard or TV ad. FB's targeting appears to remove the possibility of equality of opportunity to view the ads.

Handbill definitions


an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution; "he mailed the circular to all subscribers"

See also: circular bill broadside broadsheet flier flyer throwaway