Aviator in a sentence as a noun

Not any more than wearing aviator sunglasses makes me a pilot.

My understanding--I am not an aviator--is that the current Boeing controls behave this way and have for a long time.

"A military aviator requires hundreds, if not thousands of hours of training time, and if you've ever met one, you'd realize that they're sharp as a tack.

I'm not an aviator, but I was under the impression that commercial flights fly on auto-pilot for 99% of the trip, with an exception for take-off and landing.

A disproportionate amount of my training as an aviator has been dedicated to understanding all of the ways that the systems in the aircraft I fly can break.

However, it is a slightly different dialect than that spoken on the other islands that has become "modern" Hawaiian language.- The article briefly mentions the Japanese aviator who crashed on Ni'ihau after bombing Pearl Harbor.

Aviator definitions


someone who operates an aircraft

See also: aeronaut airman flier flyer