Airman in a sentence as a noun

I still get the airman theme stuck in my head sometimes.

Some airman has the most awesome job ever.

The airmanship and the experience is so much pure and intense in a glider.

Reminds me of the recent story about the airman spotting a massive fuel leak from his seat over the wing.

I'll never forget this bemused airman, pressing a button while a circle of us stood around in a half circle, giving a very Simpsons-esq "Oooooooooohh!

I believe this is strictly in a modern context, and given that every soldier, sailor, Marine, and airman is a volunteer, it misses the point.

I would yell at an airman that would get up his chair, walk to the center map and with his rule, measure the distance in miles between the hospital landing pad and the strike.

Vaccines are something they do extremely well-- every sailor, soldier and airman in the entire 5 arm military needs regular vaccinations, even when deployed.

Airman definitions


someone who operates an aircraft

See also: aviator aeronaut flier flyer