Failure in a sentence as a noun

What merit is there in rooting for failure for failure's sake? This feels like science fiction in the best way possible.

It seems fast because of the failure in this area of C++. Go look at Turbo Pascal if you want to know how to make the build/debug/run cycle fast.

Not in a fiscal sense, but in an ethical sense, and that's the worst type of failure there is. Do I hope they get their **** together and start being Google again?

The charge was failure to obey a traffic signal. I was held in solitary confinement for 10 hours.

I'm not saying I definitely could have done better, but I do think my probability of failure would have been <= to theirs. But there is no way in **** I could get what they got.

I didn't want the project to be a failure, so I decided to try writing every day. I didn't have a set goal each day, but I try to do around 30-45 minutes.

It doesn't seem right to bring an entire ecosystem of ambitious and wonderful people a story of failure. I guess I learned that hitting delete would be worse.

The amount of privilege built into this "painful failure" is disquieting. Here's a person whose biggest problem in life appears to be that he's in debt and, for the moment, unemployed.

Bogus plans and an inability to close deals are probably just the signs that failure is coming for that company. As someone going to work for a startup, you're in much the same position as an investor.

I can't really do anything else, since apparently finding a new job, is kind of hard and I have to go through the whole step where I admit my failure and start over and I don't even know what I want anymore. Don't ever say "can't" because it's not true.

I won't say that it will never work, but the list of failures is so long that anyone who mentions shrouded wind turbines without mentioning their history of failure should be suspected of being clueless. Inventing a new name for them, like "wind lens," makes them even more suspect.

More than anything else, this describes an appalling failure at every level of the company's technical infrastructure to ensure even a basic degree of engineering rigor and fault tolerance. It's noble of the author to quit, but it's not his fault.

Because almost everything all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.

It seems to me this is partially a failure of our current economic system, where the incentives for the industry are towards minimizing costs / maximizing profits. This is fine for some other industries, but it seems to fail for areas where the impact of mismanagement is much more severe than a bankruptcy.

Lesson #2a: If you're running something mission critical, and your only way to recover from failure means you have to wake up when the phone rings, make sure that phone stays on and by you. Later that evening I felt a feeling of vague unease about my change earlier and checked my email from my iPad. My inbox was full of furious customers who were observing, correctly, that I was 8 hours into an outage.

The use of leaded gasoline was a classic market failure. It saved a small number of companies a relatively small amount of money, but was on the net a huge negative for the overall economic because it basically pumped lead directly into the bloodstream of children through their lungs, making them dumber.

In my opinion, at night, over an ocean, in a storm, with no visibility, in possibly significant turbulance, a modern aircraft cutting off Autopilot for any reason other than computer failure is completely unacceptable. A computer should be able to fly as well as a human under those circumstances.

Not even a whimper of cheer for Osama's death from me, given the abysmal foreign policy and national security state failure of the last decade. As another commenter said, "Osama bin Laden's legacy lives on with every traveler being herded through body scanners, with every illegal search in our 120-mile-radius Constitution-free zones, and with every warrantless wiretap."

This isn't the same thing as a complex and accidental bug that even careful engineers have difficulty avoiding, after they've already taken steps to reduce the failure surface of their code through privilege separation, high-level languages/libraries, etc. This is systemic engineering incompetence that apparently pervades an entire language community, and this is the tipping point where other people start looking for these issues.

Quote Examples using Failure

Say I build a company to a point where I could sell for enough that I could walk away with, I don't know, let's call it $10,000,000 USD. The other option is to stay independent and maybe, maybe eventually IPO. It's easy to sit on the sidelines and say "Go for the IPO, don't sell, selling is a failure". But you know what... maybe I need the money right now to do some things I always wanted to do. Maybe I want to buy my aging mother a new house, and I don't want to wait for a bloody IPO, I want to do it now. Maybe I have a family member who needs special medical care, or - failure it - maybe I just want to cash out, fly to Scotland, and spend the rest of my life looking for a 6' tall, redheaded supermodel with a Scottish accent to marry. In any case, no, you don't get to tell me that I failed, if I choose to pursue what matters to me. Look, I get the point... I agree that - in general - entrepreneurs would want to stay independent, and would prefer to wait. I don't relish the idea of building a company and then selling it... but life is more complicated than that. And life is a series of tradeoffs and a constant balancing act between doing what is best for us right now versus what is best for the future. One is not a failure for making a rational, reasoned decision to favor one set of priorities over another.


Failure definitions


an act that fails; "his failure to pass the test"


an event that does not accomplish its intended purpose; "the surprise party was a complete failure"


lack of success; "he felt that his entire life had been a failure"; "that year there was a crop failure"


a person with a record of failing; someone who loses consistently

See also: loser nonstarter


an unexpected omission; "he resented my failure to return his call"; "the mechanic's failure to check the brakes"


inability to discharge all your debts as they come due; "the company had to declare bankruptcy"; "fraudulent loans led to the failure of many banks"

See also: bankruptcy


loss of ability to function normally; "kidney failure"