Bankruptcy in a sentence as a noun

So, even if you win, the shell company will declare bankruptcy. This is what changed the game.

Think Kodak and the reason for their recent bankruptcy. The one thing they did change is how to make artist pay more for the squeeze that the record labels are feeling.

This means that if they lose big, they'll simply declare bankruptcy and move on. The real problem--still--is software patents shouldn't exist at all.

You've decided that the risk of bankruptcy is acceptable while externalizing a lot of that risk.

Unable to raise money by selling stock, and a business model of 'sell stock to pay bills while making no profit', bankruptcy is announced 8. The talking heads repeat the mantra "nobody saw it coming" for the next 6 months.

Also, people aren't just going to declare bankruptcy from their student loans in the same way as the subprime crisis because they legally can't. Wages can be garnished from student loans, and it's extremely hard to have the debt erased due to bankruptcy.

> have you considered declaring bankruptcy or defaulting on the credit cards? No. While I believe bankruptcy is an incredibly useful tool to help people take risks and recover from bad situations, I don't want to abuse it.

I think this bankruptcy is an exciting thing for Detroit. The purpose of bankruptcy is a reboot and if anyone needs a reboot it's Detroit. Of course, Detroit isn't the only city going through or considering bankruptcy.

In almost every case that I can recall it's been a result of a company having cash flow problems, often preceding bankruptcy. The article mentions that interest rates were high in the early 80s and it allowed AA to expand.

There was a recent article about an auto plant in Michigan that went through near-bankruptcy but is now making a $2bn/year profit. The profit was attributed in part to $50m/year in reduced wages that were extracted from the union in exchange for not closing the plant.

This is fine for some other industries, but it seems to fail for areas where the impact of mismanagement is much more severe than a bankruptcy. We have to find a way to make those critical industries transparent and honest so that citizens can trust them again.

You need a robust, straightforward process to do this, again including a guarantee that there will be an opportunity for me to use it before you disappear to a tropical island/under a bus/into bankruptcy court. 4.

Oprah was interviewing him about his bankruptcy, fall from grace, etc, and at one point, he said something to the effect of "Please, I don't want anyone to feel any sympathy towards me. Even after losing everything, my worst day is better than most people's best days.

Tens of thousands of dollars in expenses on their side, and roughly zero dollars in recovered costs from the business they destroyed or the guy they sent in to bankruptcy. Unless their goal is simply revenge, there's really no reason for them to follow through with such a course of action.

There was a match with a family member, but the hospital refused to pay for it, even though it could have been sued into bankruptcy in the US. For the want of $7,000 USD, she was dying. Watching her sit with her young children on her lap, deathly sick with her husband by her side, the expression of finality and despair on their faces - I'm not ashamed to admit that it made me tear up.

If a non practicing entity has a patent invalidated they are also put through a bankruptcy style procedure whereby a trustee takes a look at what moneys were derived from licensing the invalid patents. The idea is to refund ill-gotten funds to those who paid the fees.

Bankruptcy definitions


a state of complete lack of some abstract property; "spiritual bankruptcy"; "moral bankruptcy"; "intellectual bankruptcy"


inability to discharge all your debts as they come due; "the company had to declare bankruptcy"; "fraudulent loans led to the failure of many banks"

See also: failure


a legal process intended to insure equality among the creditors of a corporation declared to be insolvent