Loser in a sentence as a noun

A sad loser who fails with women all the time.

He calls someone a loser because he or she may not be a good fit for a job.

The real loser in that acquisition is Google.

"Hur hur, sed piped with other tools already does this, you loser, why did you waste your time?"2.

That doesn't make him unskillful or weak or "a loser"-- far from it, and I'm sure that none of those are true.

I grew up in southern CA and you were, literally, a loser if you didn't have a car.

So this game has no major male character who is not displayed as a complete loser.

Once you accept that there will be a loser in this decision either way, figuring out who the loser should be is not that hard.

I feel like a loser talking about it, now, just like how I felt like a loser in elementary through high school, and grad school.

Litigants naturally think too well of their cases; loser-pays pushes them to size up their prospects more realistically.

"The practical case for loser-pays is equally compelling.

But now it's done, and pretty much every participating party in this whole thing came out looking like a loser, Joycent, Strongloop, the whole nodejs scene.

What a socially incompetent loser, eh?A week later I was at a party, and I happened to talk to a woman who works for Conectar Igualdad.

I can't point to any recommendation in the post I specifically disagree with, but I'm pretty confident if he met me he'd find some reason to think I'm a loser.

If so, the ultimate loser will be competition in the technology marketplace, with even more power accruing to a company that already has too much....Crucially, the jury found none of Apple's patents invalid, despite substantial evidence that others anticipated many of the innovations that Apple put together when it released its first iPhone.

Loser definitions


a contestant who loses the contest

See also: also-ran


a person with a record of failing; someone who loses consistently

See also: failure nonstarter


a gambler who loses a bet