Accidental in a sentence as a noun

Because the title on HN is "AI", which makes it a small click target [1], prone to accidental upvotes.

It's not an accidental outcome where the laws of drama conspire to make the author's point null, it is the point.

When playing in G major, the sharp accidental on the Fs is not put at the beginning of the line just to avoid printing it in the score.

But they understand platforms as a purely accidental outgrowth of having started life in the business of providing platforms.

If the ******* is linked to an accidental sexual game then the victim looks like a pervert, is shamed publicly and the "*******" is much difficult to question.

Accidental in a sentence as an adjective

The difference is of course that one was inflicted on purpose by someone in your social group, while the other is usually self-inflicted or at least accidental.

It's really awesome that Amazon was reasonable and refunded the charges because they were accidental.

I haven't touched the stuff in over 10 years, but it was awesome to use once a year or so. I'm pretty thoroughly convinced that I overcame some issues with trusting people and forming human connections as an accidental side effect of wanting to have a good time.

Admittedly, I am no student of accidental plagiarism.

It isn't.- nonlinearities aren't intrinsically bad. If they represent the actual history they are ok.- accidental reintroduction of commits rebased upstream are the result of wrongly rewriting history upstream.

Accidental definitions


a musical notation that makes a note sharp or flat or natural although that is not part of the key signature


happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally ; "with an inadvertent gesture she swept the vase off the table"; "accidental poisoning"; "an accidental shooting"

See also: inadvertent